Download Turbo C++ Version 3.0. The Important Included File for the programming are
1) #include< WINDOWS.H >
2) #include< MOUSE.H >
The important functions in this file are
1) int newcolor(int number,int red,int green,int blue)
2) string TextOut(int x,int y,string pt, ...)
3) string time(int x,int y)
4) string date(int x,int y)
5) int password(string pass)
6) void mov(int y,char ex[68])
7) int MsgType(int x1,int y1,int sizeofx,int choice)
8.0) int MsgBox(string ex,string ex1,string ex2,string ex3,string ex4,string ex5)
8.1) int MsgBox(string ex,string ex1,string ex2,string ex3,string ex4)
8.2) int MsgBox(string ex,string ex1,string ex2,string ex3)
8.3) int MsgBox(string ex,string ex1,string ex2)
8.4) int MsgBox(string ex,string ex1)
9) The Massege Handler :- int GetMsg(MSG *a1,Window *w,string a2,string a3)
The Important Classes are
1) class Option (Base)
2) class Button : Public OPtion
3) class Window : virtual Public OPtion
4) class TextArea : Public OPtion
5) class CheckBox : Public OPtion
The important functions are
--The Mouse Coordinates are m.x and m.y and the m.b for button .
1) int initmouse() : - 'll initiate the mouse and exit if the mouse driver is not loaded.
2) int moveonly(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2) : - 'll restrict the mouse pointer to the specified position.
3) int showmouse() : - Displays the mouse pointer.
4) int hidemouse() : - Hides the mouse pointer.
5) int getmouse() : - Gives the current position of mouse.